Friday, September 21, 2012

A New Beginning to Craftastic Craftiness

Just learned to upload photos. Woohoo.
So I've decided I'm going to become an amazing blogger, extreme craftist, unique photographer, and exquisite chef, all while still being the perfect wife and stay at home mom... but the more I think of it the more I become overwhelmed and seem to sit at home scrolling through Pinterest (since they of course have all the answers... even to questions I didn't know I had). Anyways the one thing it hasn't told me how to do, is look at all the a-maz-ing pins and still have time to implement them all into my life. If only I had unlimited hours in the day, and a family that could survive on their own for more than 10 minutes without the house falling apart. No literally I went downstairs for 10 minutes and came back up and my daughter had all the cushions off the couch and my husband had the railing pulled off.... okay, okay he may have had a good reason to take it off, and in my daughters mind she did too, but still I think you catch my drift. I love my family more than anything else in this world, and I've dedicated the past 3 1/2 years to being a strictly stay at home mom, and by strictly I mean I had given up myself to do it. I did it without even knowing it, and I've since forgotten who I was before my children, and what it was like doing other things I love, especially guilt free.

An example of some coasters I made
that are now wall deco in my home.
Now that I have IlyBug and BoogerButt (I know-- not a pretty name... but it seems fitting for my boy. Lol), my family is complete. We are not having any more children, and with that scary realization I find myself in a frantic search to discover myself before my kids are grown, leaving me and I'm still sitting wondering what I'm supposed to do with my life. And since adopting millions of babies can probably get ridiculously expensive, I figure now is the time to rediscover my loves and start fitting them into my daily life. And if I can make a little money while doing it... well whoopie I'm golden! So I've started this blog as a stepping stone to put my feelings and efforts down for all to see the trials of a SAHM trying to find herself again before she becomes the creepy cat lady down the road raising kitties and calling them all by their first, middle, and last names; because they are my new babies after all. Wow that seems all too possible.... which is why it's imperative I make a stand for all home owners in my neighborhood and get a life now before it's too late and their gardens become litter boxes for my kitty folk. So please follow me, join me, help me, even criticize me (nicely please) to become the woman I want to be and of course a reliable source to get your crafty needs met without paying ridiculous prices at the retail stores.

Here's a picture of my first headband made, hope this gets your excitement going and you will come follow me on Facebook to see what else I come up with to sell.!/CraftasticMommy I will also be opening my Etsy shop here in the near future after I get some stock built up. Now that my hubby is behind me in this adventure it shouldn't be long before I have that up and running also.