Monday, October 22, 2012

Which comes first the blog or life?

Bet you thought I was going to have an answer for you didn't you? But I'm sitting here, and my daughter is finally in bed, my husband just put my son down in his bed. So I am torn between spending some always needed time with my wonderful husband and taking care of the house, and of course my son who is, shall we say, a picky sleeper. I like to think that he just knows he's our last baby, and as such wants to give us everything we didn't experience with our very easy first baby. Well I've been struggling with this dilemma for the past month now (as you can see from my lack of posts). But I will admit, it's constantly been on my mind to post something fun. I have the blog bug, every time we are trying a new recipe or doing a craft, or just going outside for some fun I think of how I should take some photos to add to my blog. Well now I have tons of photos, and lots of great memories, but no blogs to show for it. Which brings me right to my question which comes first the blog or life?

Now for me a mother of two children both under 4, I find life to be very important right now. So some might ask why do I want to start a business and chase dreams right now, why not wait until the kids are both in school? Well let me tell you, we recently decided that we are done having children, and that is quite a shock to my system since I have devoted every waking moment to raising my family. And what I have come to realize is that I no longer know who I am outside of being a mom and wife, I'm finding this is a very common problem among women who are raising children. Well since there is soon to be no chances of us having more children I went through a little bit of a panic on what I am going to do with the rest of my life while the kids are growing up and moving on. While I'm still unsure if I am going to make it into the major leagues of a stay at home business, it is practice for me to prove to myself I can balance home life and something for myself. I'd love to go back to school at some point as well, but with student loan pricing and the economy being the way it is I don't want to waste money if I'm not able to keep up with it while I'm taking care of my family. So that is where my blog and business come in. It's to prove to me I can keep up, and in the process I'm following a long time dream of mine. So it's really two things built into one giant goal.

You see not too long ago I was one of the moms who browse through pinterest, google, and Facebook (and still do....) seeing all those successful moms who are doing the things they love while at home raising their kids, cleaning their homes and being a wonderful supportive wife... or so it seemed from the outside. But one thing I'm learning is there has always got to be room for compromise and of course nobody is perfect. My son got a bad cold and our schedules were thrown out of whack for two weeks because of it, not to mention my husband had surgery and I was sick as well. But the thing I allowed myself was time, and while that seemed like the end of the world at some points, I'm glad I took that necessary time for my family, and myself. That's the benefit right now with just starting a business, is that I can take a little time. The downfall is I will only be as successful as the time I'm willing to put into it. So I am pushing myself to be successful, and to really step outside of my comfort zones. I started crocheting and decided I love that, and it seems like a pretty high demand skill, so I'm primarily pursuing that right now. I'm still trying to convince myself to buy in at a vendor fair coming up here in Port Orchard at the Imagination Station. It's going to be Nov 17th from 9a-2p, so if you're in the area you should check it out. You may just see me there, if you do please come over and say Hi. 
If you mention you subscribed to my blog or my Facebook page I'd be happy to give you a 10% discount on anything I'm selling at my table, or on any custom orders. And for those of you that aren't able to make it but would like to make an order on or before Nov 17th, I will apply the same discount if you contact me at or send me an email at I am also exploring my photography skills, so if you'd like to discuss that as well, please just let me know. All the photos on my pages are taken and edited by myself. So if you are interested I'd be happy to work out a deal with you. 

Anywho I think that's enough information to process right now, I'm sure it's sounding as scrambled as my poor brain right now. Lol. But I should be getting a fun tutorial put up here real soon to make things a little more interesting around here. Hope you all enjoy. Thanks so much for your support. If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them anytime.  

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